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Friday, October 28, 2011

Kraton As the World Cultural Property

Entering Yogyakarta inexhaustible material to talk about it. Too many things can be revealed about Yogyakarta, one of which is the Palace. You've visited the Sultan's Palace? Thankfully, when it's. Since many residents of Yogyakarta who have never even visited.
Kraton back a lot of talk about the world community not long after the wedding took place the Sultan's daughter. People of Yogyakarta and its surroundings, even many foreign guests present to witness the marriage ceremony customary royal family of Yogyakarta is.

I invite you to briefly know the sultan's palace, so do not just know the Sultan's daughter's wedding alone. But more can be entered in various matters relating to Sultan's Palace. This once again repeat my chance to learn the history and civilization of an empire in the Archipelago. I have outlined just a variety of information about Sultan's Palace from various sources that I list at the end of this paper.

Sultan's Palace was built in 1756 AD or the year 1682 by Prince Mangkubumi Java Sukowati who then holds a lane I. After going through the long struggle between 1747-1755 which ended with the Treaty Gianti. Before assuming Kraton current, lane I or Sri Sultan Hemengku lane Senopati Ingalogo Ngabdulrahman Sayidin Panotogomo Kalifatullah Ketawang Ambar live in Dalkeith, Sleman. Five kilometers west of Yogyakarta Kingdom.

From Ambar Ketawang Ngarso Dalem determine the capital Mataram Kingdom in the Village Pacetokan. A region that is flanked by two rivers and streams Winongo Code. This location is in an imaginary line of the South Seas, Krapyak, Kraton, and Mount Merapi.

Palace building
Kraton building comprises at least seven wards. Each ward is restricted by Regol or entrance. Sixth Regol is Regol Brojonolo, Sri Manganti, Danapratopo, Kemagangan, Gadungmlati, and Kemandungan. Kraton is sandwiched between two squares of North Square and South Square. Each square berukurang approximately 100 × 100 meters. While the overall Kraton standing on the ground 1.5 km square.

Core building fortified palace with double walls as high as 3.5 square meters (1,000 x 1,000 meters). So to enter it must go through the gate called Plengkung. There are five gates namely Plengkung Tarunasura or Plengkung Wijilan palace in the Northeast; Plengkung Jogosuro or Plengkung Ngasem in the southwest; Plengkung Joyoboyo or Plengkung Castle in the west; Plengkung Nirboyo or Plengkung d'Ivoire to the south; Plengkung Tambakboyo or Plengkung Gondomanan in the east.

In the castle, especially those located in the south has a small road that serves for the mobilization of soldiers and weaponry. The four corner bastions built fort which is equipped with a small hole that serves to spy on the enemy.

The guard handed over the fortress palace of them soldiers, Pvt Jogokaryo, Mantrijero Soldiers, and Soldiers Bugis. Soldiers Jogokaryo flag has passed him and lived in Kampung Jogokaryan. Mantrijero soldiers equipped with Unity Flag Purnomosidi and lived in Kampung Mantrijeron. Bugis warrior who flagged Unity lived in Kampung Bugisan Regis.

Naming and Meaning Layout

Palace, the Palace or the Palace, is derived from ka-queen's, which means a place to live the queen / king. Being a broader sense, described simply, that all structures and buildings in the Kraton area have significant meaning related to essential Javanese philosophy of life, namely Sangkan Paraning dumadi (where it comes from humans and where eventually humans after death).

Outline, the Kraton area extending 5 km to the south until Krapyak and 2 km to the north end of the monument. On this line there is a dualism linear line upside down, so it could be read symbolically philosophical. From south to north, as the birth of human beings from on high to the mortal nature, and vice versa as the return of humans to the side dumadi (God in view of Java). While the physical with the king's palace as a symbol of the true soul that comes into the physical body.

Palace to Monument also be interpreted as a way of life that is full of temptations. Beringharjo market symbolizes women temptation. While the temptation for power is symbolized by House Kepatihan. Both are located on the right. Straight road itself as a symbol of man who is close to the Creator (Sangkan Paraning dumadi).

Simply put, monument symbolism Linga (male) and Krapyak as Yoni (female), and Kraton as body derived from both.

Spatial meaning of Kraton

Hit by the earthquake in 1867, the Palace was severely damaged. At the time of HB VII in 1889, the building was refurbished. The lay still retained, but modified form of the building as it looks now

Monument and the Ward or Wards Manguntur Tangkil Kencana (where the king's throne), located in a straight line, this means, when the Sultan sat on his throne and looking toward the monument, then he will always remember his subjects (subjects manunggaling gusti).

Kraton same order of Mataram Dynasty in general. Kencana ward who became the king's reign, together with Prabayeksa as a place to store weapons Kraton heritage (in this room there Wiji Kyai oil lamp, which has always maintained that the courtiers are not extinguished), serves as the center. The ward is covered by the court Kedhaton, so as to reach the center, pass through a page that resembles a series of layered bewa (waves) over the ocean.

Arrangement of the Palace is very similar to the constellation of mountains and plains Dwipa Guava, which is seen as a continent of its center of the universe. From north to south of the palace there are successive North Square, North Siti Hinggil, North Kemandhungan, Srimanganti, Kedhaton, Kemagangan, South Kemandhungan, Siti Hinggil Square South and South (the sheltered courtyard wall height).

While the door to go through to get to each place of nine, called Regol. From the north there is a gate, Pangurukan, Tarub Great, Brajanala, Srimanganti, Kemagangan, Gadhung Mlati, Kemandhungan and Ivory. Brongtodiningrat critical look at these numbers, the highest number that describes perfection. This corresponds to nine holes in man, commonly called air babahan sanga.

The sacredness of each Palace building is indicated by the frequency and intensity of Sultan activities in place. Square, Pagelaran, and Siti Hinggil, at this place the Sultan only present three times a year, namely during the events of Pisowan Ageng Grebeg Maulud, Sawal and Besar. As well as a very incidental occasion a very special example at the time of the coronation of the Emperor and Crown Prince or Princess Coronation Duke Anom.

The Sultan of Yogyakarta Palace

Kraton reign lane I (GRM Sujono) reigned from 1755 to 1792 followed by lane II (GRM Sundoro) reigned from 1792-1812. Lane III (GRM Surojo) leads the years 1812-1814, then lane IV (Ibn Djarot GRM) reigned from 1814 to 1823 forwarded lane V (GRM Gathot Menol) reigned from 1823-1855. Lane VI (GRM Mustojo) reigned from 1855-1877 and continued lane VII (GRM Murtedjo) reigned from 1877-1921.
Lane VIII (GRM Sudjadi) reigned from 1921 to 1939, so Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX (GRM Dorojatun) leads the years 1940-1988, and finally lane X (GRM Hardjuno Darpito) leads the years 1989 - present.

Wealth of World Cultures
Kraton has a good range of cultural heritage in the form of rituals and objects of ancient and historic. On the other hand, the Sultan's Palace is also a traditional institution complete with customary stakeholders. It is therefore not surprising that many of the values ​​of philosophy as well as the mythology surrounding the Sultan's Palace is very interesting, domestic and foreign tourists, as well as a study center of the world.

That is why in 1995 the Palace Complex Ngayogyakarta nominated to become one of UNESCO World Heritage Site.
